Thursday, December 1, 2011

Event brings back the past with the 20/20BAS V3!

20/20BAS from Event on Vimeo.

So my second pair of studio monitors when I started producing were Event TR8 XL's. They were released after the 20/20's. They were solid and rocked. My boys had the 20/20's so I was glad to have something that was close. I did like them and had them for a while so if you had to start with a pair of monitors I could endorse, I would say these will do! Event makes Rock Solid Monitors! They will set you back $899 for a pair, but for some thing that's above entry level, and can compete with some of the elite monitors, its money well spent! The last picture shows the difference between the original model and the new one. For more info click Here! EventElectronics


Multi-Touch Keyboard and Mouse

My friend, singer Mel Alston, Jr., introduced me to this device being developed. Its amazing where technology has taken us and I like that fact that its being showcased on! Feel free to learn more about this at this link right here KickStarters